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CourseBldr Case Studies

In the meantime, take a look below at some of the experts we’ve worked with. By building them a course, we’ve given them the ability to focus on their expertise by working smarter and earning more!

Angela's full case study...

Angela was trading her time for money as a personal trainer. After we built Angela’s course she started working smarter and generated over $100,000 her first 3 months working with us. Absolutely amazing work by Angela!

Meet Paul, here's his case study...

Paul is an Iron man certified trainer. He had been working with his clients in his own gym through a normal pay model, members paying monthly to access the gym. After only working with us 2 weeks, Paul increased his monthly revenue by $3,600 by introducing a new high ticket coaching course model. Amazing job Paul, you’re on track to absolutely crush it this year by earning more and working smarter!

Meet Stacy, here's her case study...

We helped Stacy launch her new online coaching course and within the first 6 days Stacy had generated $4,600! She did this by following our marketing strategy we had given her for getting her coaching seen by the world quickly! Great job Stacy, keep it up.

Meet Liz and Tony, here's their case study...

Liz and Tony transitioned their business to start working smarter and almost instantly generated their first $1,500 in sales. 

Meet Milaena

Milaena was an online health and nutrition coach. She was trading time for money by charging her clients hourly for 1on1 attention. After working with us here at CourseBldr, Milaena was able to start working smarter and earning more. In the first month working with us, Milaena generated $23,2o0 with her new online coaching course.

Absolutely unreal job Milaena, we couldn’t be more proud of you!

Meet Anthony

Anthony was also trading his time for money as an expert. After a few weeks working with us, we were able to build out his new coaching course for him and get him selling. Anthony was able to generate $1,500 on his first ever sales call!

What a legend you are Anthony! Can’t wait to see what else is coming your way…